Sunday, March 8, 2009

Roojuta's slam book:)

My name: roojuta:)

Place where i dwell: all who shud kno knows:P

Trin trin: same as prev questn.

On what occasions do you lie: wen its impossibl to say truth/ wen people may get hurt by truth..

Memorable moments: 11th april, day wen i decided nt to join medicine, all night outs, all picnics, Ind visit, wen i gt my first i20 and many many many many many more...

Philosophy of life: friends r fr lifetime preserve dem, but family first:) bit too serious aint it??

On a blind date you’d go out with: nobody.. the whole idea of blind date is NO NO... 

Secret ambition: let it remain secret:) [ actually aisa kuch he hi nahi :P]

If you were a burglar you’d steal: MOON:) i love it...

You’d like to be reborn as: ROOJUTA.. i love myself:)

Allergies: back bitters... friends who back stabs... crocodile tears.. etc.

Favourite night activity: sleepingg...

Recurring dream: to be the happiest person on dis earth:)

Vegetable you resemble most: ladiesfinger:P

Most Embarassing Moment: wen i get caught while playin any prank.. lemme tell one.. 1ce meri frnd kw bhai ki weddin me, we tried to steal jutaa and wwas caught red handed:P:P 

Most Happiest Moment: 11th april 2008

Most Saddest Moment: 12th std result

One word/phrase uses regularly: i want a break!!!!

One Talent, would love to have most: i wish i could dance:P 

Dream Weekend: dreaming abt it.. will tell as soon as my dream gets over:)zzzzzzzz......

Fav. Timepass: chatting(phone or face2face or online)

Things ppl dont know about me: my life is like a open book indeed...

Terrified of: loosin precious people in my life:(

Addicted to: chocolatessssssss

FIRST LOVE: **********

what makes u smile??: i always wear a smile:) come wat may.....

what do u like specially in jokes????: i love to laugh.. 

Biggest Gossip ( now, now, not in a BAD way): KK ki dastan...

Group Questions :(answer only from our VRDRUNK BAD N PAKKVV GANG)

Most loyal friend (I know ,it's subjective): vicky

Funniest: kk(sometimes)

Most goody-goody: daru

Most Likely to have 6 kids: devang

Most Likely to marry first (NO,not me!!): niti

Most Dirty Minded!(Ahem!!): all guyss

Noisiest: dhol

Most Polite:.......

Most Disgusting: dhol;)

Most Romantic( of your gender): me:):)

Couple of the Year: kk nd devang:):):) [huh wat did u all expect huh!!]

Couple of the Future: kk nd ****** :):)

Sweetest Couple: me nd **********

Most Likely to End up Together: noone as of now..

Most Popular: all in our gang r popular:)

Most Creative: philips

Most Artistic: viyeta:P

Most Helpful: daru

Biggest Flirt: vishal [ jab dekho tab philip, viky , vagera vagera ke piche pad jata he;);)]

Most Thoughtful: khushboo

Nicest Smile: viky

Best Dressed: viky

Most Sexy: